Friday, August 21, 2009

Tooele County Fair

My MIL and I took the kiddos to the county fair this summer. Although I wasn't entirely impressed, it was a wonderland for Miss McKenzie! Animals, snow cones, crafts AND rides?! She nearly passed out from sheer joy!
Later, as I related McKenzie's joy over the scrambler ride to Cris, he suggested she go back for a second helping. McKenzie got to go back for a date with mom and dad, and I sincerely wish I would have had a camcorder with me to document the pride in her step and she pranced from the parking lot holding her daddies hand on their "date". I just love how the little things are so exciting for her!


Kristy said...

I've never been too impressed with the fair...but the kides LOVE it! It is fun to see how excited they get over the little things, it makes it worth it!

Kylee said...

Oh man, you guys are disappointing. The fair is my very favorite part of the summer! I raised two lambs this year...and the fair is just awesome. I'm not really one for the rides and shops and crap, but the real part of the fair is what I love. Glad Kenzie had a good time!