Saturday, June 28, 2008

It's So Quiet

My house just doesn't feel the same this evening. The TV is off. There's no rush to get dinner on the table. And no welcome home hugs and kisses. It's kinda nice, in a sad sort of way. I saw McKenzie and Cris last night, but already I miss them. I think I've called him 3 times to check in, and I am certain he's taking it as a sign I am doubting him (which I'm not) and getting rather sick of me bothering them. I was supposed to help a couple from work learn vista on their computer tonight, but they had some last minute plans come up and cancelled. Now, I have no plans for the whole evening. It's a weird feeling! I have a book I'd like to read, some laundry and cleaning I could work on - but nothing that really has to be done. Plus, I am lacking motivation and I just don't know where to start without a deadline pushing me. Honestly, I'd rather be getting the nursery ready for paint, but I'll be in big trouble if I move the furniture out by myself. Maybe I'll take the evening off and call myself a slacker! Now wheres that Janet Evanovich book? I'm sure I'll be sleep deprived and bleary eyed in the morning, but it sounds SO worth it right now! :)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Camping We Will Go

We're heading out for little bit of camping tomorrow morning with a bunch of friends and family we meet up with every year. McKenzie is so happy that she can sleep in the trailer she's hardly going to be able to rest tonight. Sadly, I couldnt get off work for the weekend, so I'll head back home Friday night. It was an interesting stragey to pack camping food that was McKenzie friendly, but daddy easy. We'll see how it goes!

Yup, I think he loves me

Cris has an absolute hatred for feet; they disgust him. It doesn't matter whos they are or how clean they may be, even thinking about toes makes him want to gag.

Despite this, he sat down on the couch next to me last night and massaged my feet. With lotion even! Aww. I was so impressed, I am willing to forget the fact that he teased me about having 'man feet'.

However, I fully intend to revisit the subject should he complain if I get the urge to have a pedicure. :)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Ni Hao, Grandpa Ken!

McKenzie has been watching a show called "Ni Hao, Kai Lan" that teaches Chineese. She loves it! This morning I gave her a hug & kiss good morning. She was telling me how happy she was, and held her chest and said "Mine heart super happy!" (something similar to what Kai Lan says at the end of her show) I started to quiz her on some of the Chineese words she has learned from watching.
Me: McKenzie, what does 'ni hao' mean?
McKenzie: Helno (her version of Hello - funny, huh?)
Me: How does Kai Lan say 'thank you'?
McKenzie: Sheh sheh (I dont don't know if I am spelling it right)
Me: What does Kai Lan call her grandpa?
McKenzie (super excited!) GRANDPA KEN!!!!
Maybe I need to take her on a visit to may parents house, huh?

Tuesday Tell All: Taste

Look! Tasty!

I love this picture. Maybe its more about the memories from the day this was taken - rather than the picture itself, but, every time I see this it makes me smile. I remember how incredibly silly she was this day, and how much fun we had - even though it wasnt anything special.
McKenzie and I were eating lunch. We finished everything I had made and she was still hungry, so I sliced up an apple for her to try for the first time. (Before this day I'd never given her the real thing because I had been afraid of her choking; she was only 18 months old.) She had her first taste and just loved it! I remember watching her savor every little nibble and gobble down huge bites. She ate that apple like I had been depriving her of food, and she couldnt get enough of the taste. If I remember right, she ate pretty much the whole thing and every meal for a while afterwards had to feature an apple for desert - she just couldnt get enough!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Potty Training Success!

I think it's finally working... again! McKenzie wants to be potty trained! Including nap times, McKenzie has had only one accident since Thursday afternoon! YAY! She even survived an afternoon playing at the reservoir Friday (where we had our first road side potty experience) and Cris said that this weekend, she has been waking up from her nap to take herself to the potty and then going right back to finish sleeping!!!! However, if you put her in a pull up just in case, she will pee in it every time. Whats up with that?

She was pretty much potty trained when she was about a year and a half, but she got a little sick one day and gave up on the whole thing. It's been on and off since then. Hopefully it sticks this time! I am SO EXCITED! I really dont want to buy two sizes of diapers at once! :) Yay to my big girl!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

A Fresh Start

After a crummy day yesterday, I tried my best to shake things off and start fresh. Even after Cris sent me a text message this morning saying "I'm sorry but don't be grumpy k?" I could have let that crappy apollogy (no better than the one I got last night) fester, but I didn't and I am proud. I'm over it and moving on.

This morning I went to the grocery store for a big 'stocking up' food run. The fresh thing must have been on my mind! I bought three times more fruits and veggies than normal. Hopefully we can eat them before they go bad! I spent the next hour or so washing and chopping the food, so we'll be more inclined to eat it. (Maybe instead of grabbing a cookie for a snack because it's easy, I can just as easily munch on some cucumber or broccoli with ranch dip?) For lunch McKenzie and I just had some chicken and spinach salad on crackers and an assortment of veggies. Even though she mostly only licked the dip off of the veggies, I thought the light, fresh lunch absolutely hit the spot. Ahhhh!

The other thing I am trying is changing how McKenzie snacks. Yes, when we're home, she eats pretty good. I let her have one fruit snack or sugary treat a day. But now she's now able to open the fridge by herself and has tried to climb up the shelves to grab a yogurt or whatever she's craving. I've reorganized the fridge so everything thats okay for her to munch on is on the bottom shelf. There's boiled eggs, yogurt, chick peas, grapes and of course veggies. It will be nice to let her choose when she wants to snack, and let her pick her own. I'll appreciate giving her the independence... and hopefully it will help reduce the sugary snacks she convinces daddy to give her on the weekends! ;) To help reinforce the point with her, I am moving the treats to higher shelf in the cubboard (she's been pushing the chair to the counter, climbing up, and getting into the snacks everytime I turn my back) Hopefully, this does the trick, because reasoning, threatening and time outs sure haven't worked!

Most of all, I want to thank all of you for your kind words of support after my last post. It's so nice to have understanding and caring friends! After I lost my temper yesterday, I wondered if it was the hormones getting to me and if I was being overly sensitive. It's SO nice to have my feelings validated and hear the kind words of support. Thanks everyone!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Warning: I am in a foul mood

Cris worked overtime today. It's not a big deal, it wasn't mandatory - he signed up for it because he enjoys it. I think he's worked SO many 60 hour work weeks on salary at his previous job that actually getting paid more for more work is a sort of novelty to him. We'll see how long that lasts. Anyway, I am used to him working long hours, so when he wants to stay late for overtime pay, I dont get upset about it. (most of the time)

But, today he showed up at home 2 hours later than he told me he'd be. And the first words out of his mouth was disappointment that a hot dinner wasn't waiting for him. HELLO?! It's 9:00 at night! I had dinner waiting for him until 7:30, and when he wouldnt answer my phone call, I put it away. I didnt even get a courtesy call saying he was on his way, or that he'd be later than he originally planned. I think I could have handled him being late - maybe even had sympathy that he had worked a long 16 hour day - but those words (intentional, or not) really pushed my buttons. And, admittedly, I didn't handle it well. It set off one of those "we both know we're being stupid, but neither one of us wants to be the one to give in and end this" bickering sessions.

I finished up some laundry and went off to soak in the tub. Sitting there, I of course, felt guilty. I felt bad for reacting poorly, for not understanding that he was probably dog tired and starving, and for not letting the whole thing blow over. And I felt like a bad wife.

Thats definitely not a good feeling to have. Especially since I struggled with "I'm a bad mom" feelings earlier in the day. (Do you mind if I vent a little more?) I was asked to set up a play group for our ward, and today was the first day we met. It was actually a really great turn out, and I was excited it was coming together. I got a chance to meet a lot of the women I didn't know from our ward and I had a really good time visiting with them while the kids played together at the playground. That is, until the topic of work came up. You see, I am definitely in the minority in my neighborhood - most moms don't work. Thats fine. I have NO problem with their choice. If it works for their family and they are happy, I think it is a wonderful plan. However, I do get tired of the critiques of me working. I mean, COME ON!, my daughter is at home with one of her parents 6 days a week. SIX! Mondays she plays at the neighbors house, and I think that is a good thing - there are other kids there and I think she needs the social inteaction. However, everyone I spoke with made a comment about me working. Here are a few actual remarks: "Maybe if you would take the time to open your heart, Heavenly Father could help you change your priorities" or "You are brave. I could never let someone else raise my child!" or "You should try praying to get over worldliness."

Ummm... okay. How do you respond to something like that? I kept trying to remind myself they were just trying to make conversation, but I wanted to grab them by the shoulders, shake them, and ask them if the comprehended what they were saying. Or at the very least, run away.

Maybe the comments bothered me more than they should have. It's a real possibility, considering those are all worries I have pondered during my (still undecided) quest to work or not. I had decided to wait until the new baby is born and see what my feelings were after being home for three months with my girls... but the unanswered questions and feelings and revolving thoughts were dug back up from the dark place I burried them in. Ugh.

Anyway, this afternoon I was playing with McKenzie and I had her laughing SO hard. Her deep belly laughs had my sides hurting. And somehow, that magic laugh - that magic 30 minute laugh - washed away all of the destructive "bad mom" vibes and had me feeling good again. I am this close to marching in her room, waking her up, and tickling her until that laugh comes back. I could totally use some of that magic now. Especially since I don't think Cris will laugh the same way if I go and try to tickle him or read him a story in a silly voice. Too bad things are that easy in a marriage, right?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tuesday Tell All: Smell

I am still not entirely sure what I want this post to be about. The pregnancy hormones have kicked my sense of smell into overdrive, and when I think about the word 'smell' only the unpleasant ones come to mind. For example: the bathroom at work smells like dead fish first thing in the morning. I walk in and gag as soon as I enter. Each morning this week I have been sitting at my desk in discomfort as long as possible, delaying the inevitable. Strangely enough, the smell disappears before lunch, but the peanut jumping on my bladder doesn't allow me to wait that long. I dont even want to think about a cause for the smell.

Other smells that didn't bother me before but do now: cooking meat and raw potatoes (I think it's because I found a smelly rotten one in the bottom of the bag, and somehow the connection has been established in my hormonal brain)

On the other side of the spectrum, a few of my favorite smells are: baking bread, newborn babies, Bath & Body Works mandarine lime lotion, the smell of a brand new book, the 'new car' scent, freshly washed laundry and the air after a spring rainstorm.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Junk Mail

The company I work for is big into environmental sustainability. Just about every week we get (sometimes outragous and annoying) suggestions for us to impliment in our lives to save the planet. This week, I found the tip actually interesting. They had a brief article on the hazards of junk mail. They said the average American gets over 40 pounds of unsolicited junk mail a year (is that all?) - and more than 100 million tons end up in landfills. They also shared a website where you can opt out of a lot of junk mail for a 5 year period. It may not eliminate it all, but I am happy that it at least gets rid of the annoying credit card pre-approvals I get everyday. If you are interested, you can opt out at this link. Now don't say I didnt do my part! :)

Friday, June 13, 2008


Here I sit, innocently updating my blog. I happened to look out the window and I noticed a police car pull into my cul-de-sac. I look closer, and there are already three other police cars parked at the neighbors house across the way - a house that you can often hear yelling and screaming coming from. A house where the man has locked the woman out of the house and she used an ax to break her way in. She also used her company truck as a battering ram to both of their garage doors (it's a good look). The man has also lit their nice vinyl fence on fire just for fun. (I am SO glad our properties don't touch!!) All sorts of other crazy things have happened there, but if I told you about them, you wouldnt believe me.

Our neighborhood is actually really good, minus this one sore spot marring the community. Thank heavens there are no children in the home. I also don't think it's one of them picking on the other, or I would feel like I should step in and help them out. In fact, I have tried offer help a few times when the woman is yelling from the front lawn or honking her horn for more than 20 minutes straight, but then I become a target of the hostility. I've pretty much just given up and steer clear of them. It's sad to say, but Cris and I have said we wouldnt be the least bit surprised to one day find out they killed each other off. That's how much they love tormenting each other.

So, what do you do with gems of neighbors like these? Although they are pretty crazy, we've never seen any actual abuse. They never harm anyones property besides their own. How can you get them help? Do you wait for a law to be broken or someone to get hurt? Or do you feel guilty and just turn your back to them and ignore it all as I have been doing? We've tried to visit with them when things aren't hostile, but not once in five years have they ever opened the door when we've knocked. In fact, they dont return a wave when you pass them on the street. It's a little awkward. Any ideas?

The Park

After dinner, we went to the park today. McKenzie was so content to play in the swings and cried huge crocodile tears when we tore her away. She had a great time and loved having Grandma and Grandpa Dew there. These are a few of my favorite pictures.

A Few Pics From Vegas

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tuesday Tell All: Sound

Some of my favorite sounds can be heard only at night.

When the house is quiet, I love to sit alone in the dark of the living room and listen to the nothingness of it all. I feel satisfied and silently remember how thankful I am for my family. I sneak down the hall to my daughters room and can't help but smile. I listen to her deep, steady breaths and gently brush the hair from her face. She sighs contetedly, and my heart overfills with emotions I cannot describe. Some days I sit there long enough, my husband groggily calls to me and asks if I am coming to bed. I kiss her forehead and pad across the hall to crawl under the covers. His breaths are deep, and never far from sleep. A murmured "I love you" (sometimes missing a few syllables) gets whispered in my ear, and an arm heavy with sleep falls over me. Instantly, I hear him doze off and I become entranced with the rythym of his breathing. Life is good.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Almost Over

We are sitting in the airport waiting out the two hours before our flight leaves. I absolutely hate waiting, but at the moment it does feel nice to sit and do nothing for a minute or two. Luckily, Cody had the smarts to pack his laptop and I had the guts to take control of it while he stepped away for a minute or two.

Our trip has been wonderful! We ate delicious meals at PF Changs, the Rainforest Cafe and the awesome buffet inside Planet Hollywood. The Price Is Right show was lots of fun, although at the end we were all a little bummed none of us had our names called to play. Last night, we gave up on the comedy show and decided to instead tour the shark reef at the Mandalay Bay. That was pretty cool! I wish McKenzie could have been there to see all of the neat exhibits - she would have loved it. We did a little shopping and a whole bunch of wandering through the sights of the strip, and I feel like we put on a good 30 miles of walking.


WHAT DID I LEARN?: Wear the ugly comfortable shoes. If you end up with blisters and a limp, it really doesnt matter that cute shoes you're sporting look awesome with your outfit.

MANDATORY FUNNY STORY: We were stuck in a cab involved in a road rage incident with another cabbie. They were fighting over the road, trying to run each other off of the road and honking like crazy. Our cabbie had a wild look in his eyes, and although I can see a little humor in it now, it was actually pretty scary. Sad thing is, our driver was in the wrong and scared the holy crap out of some poor older people in the other taxi.

SAD FACT: I learned that I look much older than my husband. If I played a game, no one questioned my age. He, on the other hand, couldn't turn around without having to prove his age.

I had been thinking of all sorts of other great stories that happened on our trip, but at the moment they elude me. Maybe I am distracted by the "interesting" people parading in front of me here in the terminal. Some of them make me wonder...

I will be back later to post a few pictures.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Dew, out!

We are leaving for Las Vegas in a few hours, so I won't be posting for a few days. (We are flying down for the first time! Yay for not stopping every hour on the drive down for pregnancy potty breaks!) Wish us luck! Luck with the heat, luck avoiding the nasty propaganda handed out on the corner, and of course luck at the Price is Right. Ohhh yeah! I was surprised that was what Cris wanted to go to while we were in town (I was more thinking Cirque du Soleil or some other exciting show) but the idea is actually growing on me! Can you hear it now? "...a new car!" lol! Since the show is Saturday afternoon and tickets are less than the other 'hip shows' we'll be able to catch an improv comedy show Saturday night, too! And knowing that we are going with Ashli and Cody, I would imagine we'll somehow end up dining at PF Changs (our go-to hang out whenever the four of us get together) at least once while we're there. I am one happy girl! I will try and post pics and the obligitory funny story on Monday or Tuesday. Post to you then! Adios and have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

THE cutest idea!

I came across the cutest idea today: make mini pies in little glass jars! For some reason, everything looks cuter or tastier in a smaller size to me! You can make a bunch of them up and toss them in the freezer for when you need them later. Here's the whole story, if you are interested!

Now, I just gotta find some little jars! I am SO trying this... someday!

Tuesday Tell All: Sight

Amy and Allison have started a Tuesday Tell All, asking us all to publish a post on a given topic every week. (for those of you who want to join the TTA brigade, Allison has offered to post the topics on her blog every Friday to allow for time to prepare your post) This weeks topic is sight. And I am sorry I am getting to it a little late this week! I had a really hard time choosing what to write on. Many amazing thoughts crossed my mind, from the first moment I saw my daughter, to watching her first magical step, to the beauty of nature.

However, I decided to go a completely different direction. One of my favorite sights is the way my daughter greets me when I come home from work. The minute she hears the garage door open she squeals in delight and runs to her post near the laundry room door. As I walk into the laundry room from the garage, I can hear her giggle in anticipation. I see Cris sitting in the living room with a smirk on his face, laughing at his daughter. As I come in from the laundry room, she jumps out in front of me and yells "Boo! I scare you!" Her face is so proud and delighted that she may have bested mom, and she glows from the excitement. Then, she throws herself in my arms and covers me with kisses and tight squeezes. I never feel more loved and I can't imagine a better welcome home. Thanks for making me feel like you miss me, McKenzie, and greeting me with those HUGE smiles and loves.

The Heber Creeper

Today was McKenzies big day! Grandpa and Grandma spoiled her by taking her to ride on the train in Heber. It was a cool, rainy day. And honestly, I wasnt quite sure how McKenzie would do with such a long day of riding (4 hours in the car and a 3 hour train ride) but we were all pleasantly surprised! She napped on the ride up to Heber, and was SO INCREDIBLY EXCITED when she woke up at the train depot. She was smiling ear to ear and squeaking her hyper, happy voice. The train wasnt very crowded - maybe 10 passengers on the whole thing - so we had free rome throughout all of the cars. I loved watching her look intently out the window, picking out barns and birds and other fun things that drew her attention. And when something was really cool, she demanded Grandpa get a picture of it! Even though it rained, it didnt seem to be a problem at all. In fact, I think it added to the beauty of the canyon.

Another exciting thing happened yesterday - McKenzie stayed dry ALL day! YAY!!!! Potty training is good at home, but when we are out and about its definititely more of a challenge. However, she again surprised us all, and reminded us of what a big girl she is becoming!

Thank you to Randy and Terri for a wonderful day!

Addisen Mae

My cousin, Shelese, and her husband had their baby girl yesterday!
It was a scary little while after she was delivered because she did have some respiratory problems and was taken to the NICU. However, we're told she's doing much better and the new mommy and daddy are hoping to take her home on Friday. Woohoo!
Happy Birthday to Addison Mae Bryant!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Choo, Choo!

McKenzie stayed with Aunt Ashli and Grandma Terri while Cris and I went to the ultrasound appointment this morning. They had told her that if she was a good girl, they would take her to go see the trains at the Tooele train museum. (A few weeks ago, she begged Grandma and Grandpa Dew to take her for a ride on a train. And an airplane, too, but that may have to wait.) When Cris and I got back, we were told that she held up pretty well at dance class (the first outdoor class so far) and deserved to see the trains. We stopped for lunch while we waited for the museum to open, and then Ashli, Terri, McKenzie, Cris and I went to the museum. Amazingly, she thought it was pretty cool. She was able to walk up the stairs onto several of the different trains, check out a pretend mine shaft, and one of the women in the museum gave her a piece of fools gold. Not a bad activity, especially for free! For anyone interested in it, the museum is on the corner of Vine and Broadway and is open from 1-4 Tuesday - Saturday. (Saturdays the best day to go - they offer free train rides on a miniture train around the park for the kids) They are currently building a pavillion for picnic lunches, too. Here's a few of many pics we took this afternoon:

At least one of us is looking at the camera!

Tomorrow, Grandpa Randy is planning on taking McKenzie and I to the Heber Creeper. (We'll see if he still wants to do it after we remind him it's a 3 hour train ride...with a 2 year old... and a decent car ride to get there. But if he's still game, I'm up for it!) In any event, the summer of a million activities is off to a fine start! Thursday is the first day of our summer movie pass, and Friday Cris and I fly out for Vegas with Ashli and Cody! Whoo-hoo! We are hoping to see the Price is Right while we're there, and maybe an improv comedy show. I can't wait! A little adult time sounds nice! (Okay, maybe not that adult. It is Vegas, afterall.)


Today was our ultrasound. And to sum it all up, I will use the same word the technician repeated several times throughout the procedure "Perfect". Could any word make an expectant mother breath any easier? I think not.

I love ultrasounds. Sure, I got jelly all over my pants, but I did get a glimpse at my baby! It was so exciting to watch and feel the kicks and jerks and twists at the same time. And I love watching Cris during the ultrasounds. He may deny it, but, I honestly think that with McKenzie (and this baby, too) it's a time when the baby becomes real to him. We've had so much struggle keeping babies that even though he cares SO much, he tries to remain just a little detached 'just in case'. But when he sees his baby dancing on the screen, a visible change washes over him. So much so, that after the ultrasound, he was easily convinced to stop at the Baby Gap to pick out an outfit for the new baby. Cris clothes shopping? At a "yuppy joint", even? Who woulda thunk?

So enough blabber. How about some pictures? And some results? Here we go:

Here are two profile shots. I thought they turned out nice because you can fairly easily make out the shape of the face. Look at the cute little nose!

And this is what the technician called the "money shot". He said it should anser any questions about gender.

Didn't pick up on the sex of the baby? Don't feel bad, I didnt either.

We are happy to announce that most of you readers who voted on the sex of the baby were wrong (myself included); WE ARE HAVING A GIRL! I have to say I was a little surprised because this pregnancy has been so different from my last, I convinced myself that this one must be a boy. But, although I am surprised, I couldnt be happier. My drive home was filled with day dreams of McKenzie and her little sister playing and being the best of friends (and probably worst of enemies) I am so excited to have my two little girls here! The funny thing is McKenzie knew it was a girl all along. When someone would ask her if she was having a brother or sister, she was adamant it was a girl. Well, until this morning. But that doesnt really count, right? :)

Our due date remains the same: Baby Girl Dew is due October 13, 2oo8 (or maybe a few days earlier, if I have my wish. No need in overshadowing McKenzies birthday with all of the other changes she's supposed to get acclimated to, right?) YAY!

Oh, and here are some pictures of the cute outfits daddy picked out for his new little girl. (Although, he was quick to point out the savings we'll enjoy knowing we can reuse some of McKenzies old things)

I LOVE this dress. Since the baby is coming in the fall, it was hard to find something appropriate. But, we bought a darling white sweather to go over the top of this if it gets too cold and with a pair of tights, it should be just right.
This is the onsie Cris just HAD to have. Enough said.
(If you cant read it, it says "I'd rather be naked")

Monday, June 2, 2008

Love it!

I saw these stamps advertised in a magazine, and I am absolutely in love with them! Maybe it's silly because in reality, I don't mail many letters... but come Christmas card season, this would be so cool! I think I would probably change the wording to 'The Dews' or something fitting for the whole family. And maybe when Malory and Devin get a house, this might be a great housewarming gift (I can say that here because I am pretty sure she doesnt read my blog). Anyway, if you are a nut for stationary and office supplies like me, check out this website. All orders are 30% off and have free shipping when you use the code "family" at checkout.

A few fun pics

Last week I took McKenzie to the Discovery Gateway childrens museum. She had been there before with Cris and with Grandma and Grandpa Dew, but it was a first time for me. It was such a fun place! It was great to take her somewhere where she could touch and play with absolutely anything! (Really, how often does that happen?) The big hits were of course the water area, the ball zone and the wind tunnels she sailed paper cups into the air with. It was a great way to spend a rainy afternoon!

This is her intently watching a cupcake cup decend to earth after being launched into the air with the wind tunnel. She loved to try and catch them as they came back down!

This weekend, work was pretty slow, so I left a few hours early one day. We decided to go take McKenzie bowling for the first time. We got a lane with the bumpers and a little ramp for her to launch her ball off of, and she loved it! And she did quite well, scoring more points than me! (Cris loves to point out that fact) The arcade section was a little bit of a distraction to her while she waited for her turn, but only a minor hiccup along the way.

It's getting fun having an 'older' kid that we can take out to new activities. It's nice to not worry about packing up the bottles and the diapers and a million other necessities for a short trip to the store. Starting over with another new one does seem a little daunting at times (especially when I think of grocery shopping with two kids! EEEK!) But, like most changes in life, I am sure we will adjust and what seems scary now will soon be routine.

Pregnancy is getting exciting! Cris can now watch my belly move & feel the kicking limbs when the baby does it's aerobics. TOMORROW MORNING IS MY ULTRASOUND, and I cant wait to find out a little more about who is in there causing all of the ruccus in there! I will post pictures of the ultrasound tomrorow for sure, so be sure to check back!