Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tuesday Tell All: Sound

Some of my favorite sounds can be heard only at night.

When the house is quiet, I love to sit alone in the dark of the living room and listen to the nothingness of it all. I feel satisfied and silently remember how thankful I am for my family. I sneak down the hall to my daughters room and can't help but smile. I listen to her deep, steady breaths and gently brush the hair from her face. She sighs contetedly, and my heart overfills with emotions I cannot describe. Some days I sit there long enough, my husband groggily calls to me and asks if I am coming to bed. I kiss her forehead and pad across the hall to crawl under the covers. His breaths are deep, and never far from sleep. A murmured "I love you" (sometimes missing a few syllables) gets whispered in my ear, and an arm heavy with sleep falls over me. Instantly, I hear him doze off and I become entranced with the rythym of his breathing. Life is good.


Alison said...

Isn't life wonderful when you have kids??