Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Ni Hao, Grandpa Ken!

McKenzie has been watching a show called "Ni Hao, Kai Lan" that teaches Chineese. She loves it! This morning I gave her a hug & kiss good morning. She was telling me how happy she was, and held her chest and said "Mine heart super happy!" (something similar to what Kai Lan says at the end of her show) I started to quiz her on some of the Chineese words she has learned from watching.
Me: McKenzie, what does 'ni hao' mean?
McKenzie: Helno (her version of Hello - funny, huh?)
Me: How does Kai Lan say 'thank you'?
McKenzie: Sheh sheh (I dont don't know if I am spelling it right)
Me: What does Kai Lan call her grandpa?
McKenzie (super excited!) GRANDPA KEN!!!!
Maybe I need to take her on a visit to may parents house, huh?


Amy said...

That is so funny! Mae is amazing by the show as well. I just think its funny!