Thursday, February 5, 2009

Happy 4th Month

Allison is 4 months old, arleady!

We just got back from her well child visit and things look good. She's now 12lbs 4 oz, and remains at the 40th percentile. She had a jump in height, going from the 10th percentile, to the 25th.

She's teething, consistnatly rolling over, and even stands when I lean her against the back of the couch (with me right there to catch her when she tips)! This past week has been fun because there has been a HUGE improvement in her motor skills. She's learning to grab at things and pull them to her mouth so well! And her laugh! It's absolutely intoxicating! I love to kiss her chubby little cheeks and listen to her giggle!

I can't believe we've had this chubby cheeked little girl for 4th months already... but at the same time I can't remember what it was like without her! We love you, monkey!


Leeann said...

4 months? Wow! She is growing so super fast!