Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Alli is becoming more and more vocal lately, which is so much fun! (Mostly because she hasn't learned to tell me 'no' yet!) She can mimic noises so well that sometimes it's hard to tell when she knows a word, or is just parroting it back! One of my favorite things is watching her hold her hand up to her ear and see her pace around saying "Daddy!" and "Hi!" while she pretends to be on the phone. Total girl, right? (And in case you are wondering, she adores jewelry and shoes, too. No joke!)

She also cracks me up when Cris is in the car with us. She can't stop saying "Daddy! Daddy! DadDEEE!" over and over again. I'm not quite sure if she thinks it's a game, or if she's frustrated she can hear him talk, but can't see him.

For my own documentation, here's the words she's been saying:

  • Daddy
  • Mommy/MomMom
  • Hi
  • Hello
  • Bye bye
  • Doggy
  • Thank you
  • Banana
  • Kiss
  • and today, she started pointing and saying 'This'

Unfortunately, she's also perfected a shrill glass shattering scream. It's the loudest, most horribly painful noise I've ever heard come from something so cute. Sometimes, she squeals when she's frustrated. Sometimes when her sister pesters her. And sometimes I have no clue what causes it! All I know is that I don't like it. AT ALL. That noise grates on my patience like nothing else. Mix that in with an almost-4-year-old who is overly anxious for school to start next week, and we've had a fun week at our house. And it's only Wednesday! Now I feel like I need to scream! :)


MalMoore said...

You forgot that she says Cookie

Anonymous said...

When she was at my house she touched Charlie's bottom and said "sit"