Thursday, November 27, 2008


In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I wanted to share a few things I love about my family. Truly, I have been blessed.


  1. You are so strong. Your stubbornness can sometimes grate on me, but honestly I am glad you have it. I know your determination will carry you through life and nothing will stand in your way.
  2. Your great big eyes. I was so happy when you were born and had your daddy's bright blue eyes! They are so expressive, and nothing gets by your eagle eye.
  3. Your enthusiasm. You make me take time to stop and appreciate the everyday things - for example, you literally make me stop and smell every flower we pass. With you, an average day can be so exciting.


  1. I love cuddling you. You love to be held, and nothing makes me happier than holding you close. Feeling you relax against my body as you fall asleep is an amazing experience. But, even better is when I feel you melt against me, and I realize you aren't asleep at all. You are soaking up the moment wide-eyed and loving the cuddle as much as I.
  2. I love that you need me. You love seeing new people and spending time with family, but after a few minutes, you are ready to come back to mom. Knowing that you recognize me and won't accept an imitator makes me feel so important.
  3. You are so easy. I don't know a better way to explain it. You are easy-going, happy, and rarely make the smallest of cries. I think Heavenly Father knew that I needed a patient, even tempered little one to get me through the adjustment of having two kids. Knowing that makes me feel humble and appreciative.


  1. You balance me. You are the strongest in my weakest areas. And I think I compliment you, as well. Together I think we make the perfect team.
  2. You support me. You've never once stood in my way. If I feel strongly about something, or am just up for a new adventure, you may try to talk some sense into me. But not once have you ever told me 'no'.
  3. We need each other. Sure, sometimes we may fight. But, even in the biggest of our disagreements, we can't stay mad at each other for long. Not five minutes after an argument, we're back to our playful selves, laughing out loud.

Today I am especially grateful for each of you. You all have unique qualities and abilities that make me stand in awe. I love you all.