Sunday, January 25, 2009

One of those afternoons...

On Friday my side of the family met up for dinner at Joe's Crab Shack. Afterwards my dad suggested that we go to Kohl's to pick out some pajamas for McKenzie to keep at his house in case she sleeps over. WHAT THE?! Yes you read that right, my dad suggested we go shopping. For clothes. So McKenzie can sleep over. Which she has done only one other time. What was even more surprising is that he picked out leopard pants and spent 30 minutes trying to find the right coordinating top. I'm not sure, but I think he may be wrapped around my daughters little finger. So cute.

I had more than my fair share of soda at dinner, so by the time we made it home, I really needed to potty. I plucked the girls from their car seats as fast as I could, tucked my keys into the pocket of my sweater and dashed into the bathroom. Plunk! The car keys fell right into the toilet.

I scooped them out and began the delicate balance of soaking them with lysol while trying to keep the clicker as dry as possible. Ugh. Did I mention I hate germs? If you see me with a nervous twitch driving down the road, it's not a seizure, I'm just thinking about what could be lurking on my clicker.

We had previously bought a pig and had it cut and wrapped in Richfield. Malory and Devin brought it up to us, so I had to unload the meat from the back of the Yukon. I pulled on the back door handle and the alarm went off. The very loud alarm. So, I RUN back into the house and grab the wet, tainted keys and try the clicker. Not working. AHHH! I begin a frantic search for the spare set of keys and finally silence the whailing.

Then, I remember that I could have used the key. HELLO!

I finally get to the boxes of frozen pig, which are VERY heavy and managed to get the first one unloaded into the deep freeze without incident. However, the handle on the second box breaks and frozen chunks of paper wrapped pig flesh go flying throughout the garage. With one very large ham roast landing squarely on my toe.

Just about then, Cris gets home. "Didn't you make me dinner?"


Lacey Sue said...

I have had many, many, many of "those" kinds of afternoons, believe you me! I admire you for making it through - especially with the keys in the potty, that would have put me over the top!
Your dad sounds precious with your daughter, Grandpas ROCK!