Yesterday I went into work to help train a few people on the evening shift. While I was there, they announced that I was named the associate of the quarter. I get a plaque, my picture on the marquee (BAH!), a gift certificate and a positive notation in my permanant record. BUT, by far, the most coveted thing the associate of the quarter gets is their very own parking space. Right by the front door! No more fighting with 200 other people to get a nice spot. No trudging through snow or blistering heat to find your car. Sounds cheesy, but really it will be very nice.
I'm sure I'll enjoy it for all 12 days I have left to work before I begin my leave of absense.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Isn't It Ironic?
Posted by Stacy at 1:56 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Yearbook Yourself
My friend Sharon found a great website: where you upload your picture into yearbook photos from other generations. I had such a good time laughing at these. Here's a few of my favorites!
(I never thought my sister and I looked that much alike, but I can see her in this photo!) 1960
1990 1996
It was a lot of fun, and pretty easy. Give it a try! (And share your photos with me when you do!)
Posted by Stacy at 1:30 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Picture Update
I havent been so good updating the pictures on my blog. Cris' work was nice enough to give us a lot of free passes to all sorts of attractions in the valley so we've been rather busy testing all of the venues out. I keep accumulating pictures thinking I will post them later, but haven't gotten it done until now.Ashli, Terri and I took McKenzie to the Tooele County Fair. They had a petting zoo, displays and a few rides. She absolutely loved this inflatable slide and the scrambler ride.
Cris, his mother, his sister, and McKenzie used their free pass to the zoo one of the past few weekends. Ashli was nice enough to send me a bunch of pictures from the day and it looks like they had a lot of fun! I had to choose this picture, though, because she's had her photo taken by this statue every year and I can't believe the changes in my little girl!
Cris also took McKenzie to the fair while I was at work (don't you love the split family time? If people didn't know us better they may assume we have split custody of our daughter!) She LOVED this scrambler ride, and I love how this picture show the attention Cris is giving McKenzie. Aww.
McKenzie also danced with her dance group at the county fair. I had stopped taking her to dance lesssons because she had lost interest, but my mother in law didn't want her to miss out on Ashli's last few teaching lessons. She became interested again, and was able to preform with the team. And guess what! No tears this time!
Another one of our free passes was to the Museum of Natural History at the U of U. I invited Terri to go with us, not knowing how McKenzie would feel about a museum (but choosing it since it was indoors and air conditioned), but it turned out great! McKenzie loved it so much more than I ever expected! We also had lunch at Hires Big H, something that my mom would do with me when I was little for a special treat. She really liked the food there, and even though it seems nutty to get emotional over a fast food place, it felt special passing on a little "tradition" from my family.
Cris also took McKenzie to the childrens museum, which she always loves. This picture almost makes me want to get her a pet chicken! Almost.
Yesterday we used our discount passes to go to Lagoon. My parents and my brother went with us and we had SO MUCH FUN! McKenzie did well, and I think we all enjoyed her enthusiasm. This picture is from the tilt-o-whirl, which may have been her favorite ride. (Anything that spun was a favorites, but anything that made her think she was going to fall scared her to death!)
Other favorites: musical express, rattlesnake rapids and the scrambler.
This is from the Tidal Wave ride - before it started. (Did I mention that the falling feeling scared her?) Had I posted the pictures of the ride in motion, you would have seen one terrified toddler trying to bury herself into mommys side.
She liked the merry-go-round, too - although I wasnt a big fan. It was probably the longest line of the entire day. The frustrating part was even though the lines were HUGE, they didnt once fill the ride to full capacity, giving me a bit of a nervous twitch.
After the rides, we all hung around the midway playing carnival games. It was SO MUCH FUN! I had gone only expecting to get a few hours in before McKenzie got tired or my mom and I couldnt handle the heat any longer, but we all stuck it out, and I am so glad we did!
Posted by Stacy at 1:49 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
It's A Little Much
I've heard that bad things travel in groups of three. If thats the case, then there are several groups chasing us.
It just seems like there is so much bad news out there this month. So many deaths, sicknesses and other sad stories. In just the last few weeks we've had a cousin hospitalized with meningitis, an uncle diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer, an aunt with liver problems, a friend involved in an accident, and a co-worker was given two months to live. Now, I am getting ready for a funeral for another co-worker this afternoon in Twin Falls. It's all just a little much.
As I pray for these people we love, I am reminded how truly blessed our family is. And I am thankful. Sad, but thankful, too. Too often, I think we take our health and safety for granted. So today, I ask all of you, my bloggie buddies, to take extra good care of yourself and count your blessings as well. Be safe, be healthy, and of course, be happy.
Posted by Stacy at 4:20 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Tuesday Tell All: Summer Blockbusters
This summer I really haven't gone to too many movies. What can I say? I'm lame!
Cris and I went on a date night and saw 'Step Brothers' with Will Ferrell. It was a funny movie, but both of us were startled at how crude it ended up being - so beware if you decide to watch. It's not a kid friendly movie. In fact, both of us were ID'd buying our tickets. I know Cris and I sometimes look young, but I would have thought we'd pass for 17!
McKenzie also has a summer movie pass, so a lot of the time we'll go see childrens movies on Thursday mornings. Of those, my favorite would probably be the 'Bee Movie'. Although, I think she preferred 'Hoot'. Even though our shows start at 9:00am, I still cave in and buy McKenzie popcorn. She gets SO excited and acts like such a big girl. She knows right where to find a booster seat, and I love to watch her perch on top, eyes full of excitement. The movies are sometimes a bit too long for her to make it all the way through, but I still think its a good experience for her and she loves to go.
Wall-E is still playing in town, so maybe we'll be able to convince Cris to take us to the show this week?
Posted by Stacy at 2:16 PM 1 comments
Promiscuous Toddler? I think not!
The other day we received a letter from our insurance company saying that they wanted us to refund money they paid on an unelligible prescription claim for McKenzie back in June. Cris and I couldn't remember filling a prescription for her recently, so we were a little baffled.
Today while Grandma Terri took McKenzie to dance and lunch, I had some free time to call the company and see if I could figure things out. They investigated the claim number and said it was for Yaz, the birth control pill. What the?!? My daughter is TWO YEARS OLD! Did I miss an important part of her growing up? Do I really have a promiscuous toddler? I think not!
They said they couldn't do anything to remove the claim, since it had already been paid to the Albertsons pharmacy and suggested I try them. I'd only used that pharmacy once over a year ago, so I was really confused.
When I called, the pharmacy tech told me it was just a billing problem and they would reissue the claim in my name. I told her I was 7 months pregnant, and there was no way I had filled a birth control prescription in June. My two year old certainly didn't do it. And I'm all for hoping my husband didn't either. If he did, I think I may have a much bigger problem than I initially thought.
After much haggling and debate with the manager, they finally agreed to rescind the claim. Or at least that's what they said they'd do... we'll see. Personally, I am bracing myself for a huge headache. Ugh!
Posted by Stacy at 1:57 PM 1 comments
Saturday, August 9, 2008
It didnt get any better
To add to the morning funnies, I had to make a quick stop at Wal-Mart to pick up some work food. I ran inside, grabbed my Lean Cuisines and bananas, and headed to the check out counter.
But my wallet wasn't in my purse.
I guess I'd left it in the bag I took to the swimming pool this week. So, I had to run out of the store, hurry the 20 blocks back to my house, and head into work foodless. Luckily, our boss bought pizza, so I didn't have to take my chances with the refrigerated vending machines in the breakroom. Phew! :)
Posted by Stacy at 8:57 PM 0 comments
It's going to be one of those days...
This morning, as I was getting ready for work I was attacked with toothpaste. I dont know where it came from, but I discovered a nice white smear on my black shirt. Immediately after discovering the minty mess, my nose started to twitch, and I sneezed. And I pee'd my pants. Oh, the joys of pregnancy!
By 4:30 am, I was on my second outfit. I'm afraid its going to be one of those days! :)
Posted by Stacy at 4:56 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Doctors Orders
Today McKenzie and I went to my OB appointment. My doctor was quite happy to let me know that for the first time my blood sugar levels look absolutely perfect, I have no signs of anemia, diabetes or kidney problems, and all other levels are pretty much the ideal numbers! He asked what I had changed in the last two weeks. I giggled a little, and told him the only thing I could think of was giving into my craving for cold Peanutbutter M&M's. (I've been keeping a bag of them in the fridge, grabbing a few every time I walk by - and probably eating way too many. But, to feel less guilty about it, I also have a big drink of water too. That totally makes up for it, right? lol!) And, now, by doctors orders, I am to keep eating the candy. Aparantly, they are the little boost of sugar my little nudger needs. So, my official diet: lots of carbs every two hours, snacks, non-diet soda with me whenever I leave the house, and lots of PB M&M's. I think I'll be able to comply, but it does make me wonder what type of horrible habits I'm creating for myself after these last 10 weeks are over. (HOLY COW - ONLY 10 WEEKS LEFT!!!!!) I guess we'll cross that bridge when it comes. Luckily, Golds Gym should be opening up 2 months after baby is due!
In other baby news, Allison has found a favorite spot to beat and abuse me - she really attacks one 2" spot over and over again with super-human strength. My right side has been so tender from the repeated kickings, that sometimes a swift jolt will make me cry out. Out of curiousity I asked my doctor what internal organ she could possibly be abusing to cause such a strong pain right there, and he brushed it off a little saying that sometimes things just get tender. Then, while he was measuring my stomach, he witnessed one of her BIG kicks that took my breath away and took me a little more serious. He felt around a little and decided she has made a pretty good sized bruise on my large intestine and the uterine wall was more than likely bruised as well. The good news is it's nothing super important, like a liver or a kidney, right? ;) Bad news: the only cure is delivery. And she's only going to get stronger. Whhhhhaaahhhhaaa!
10 weeks seems SO close. Today I am really hoping they go by quickly. Of course, I can't wait to have my daughter in my arms.... but today I am feeling a little selfish. I am tired of hurting, of waddling, of being tired, and being big. I want my body back. And I can't wait to have a newborn, so I can FINALLY get some much needed sleep. LOL!
Posted by Stacy at 6:31 PM 3 comments