Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tuesday Tell All: Summer Blockbusters

This summer I really haven't gone to too many movies. What can I say? I'm lame!

Cris and I went on a date night and saw 'Step Brothers' with Will Ferrell. It was a funny movie, but both of us were startled at how crude it ended up being - so beware if you decide to watch. It's not a kid friendly movie. In fact, both of us were ID'd buying our tickets. I know Cris and I sometimes look young, but I would have thought we'd pass for 17!

McKenzie also has a summer movie pass, so a lot of the time we'll go see childrens movies on Thursday mornings. Of those, my favorite would probably be the 'Bee Movie'. Although, I think she preferred 'Hoot'. Even though our shows start at 9:00am, I still cave in and buy McKenzie popcorn. She gets SO excited and acts like such a big girl. She knows right where to find a booster seat, and I love to watch her perch on top, eyes full of excitement. The movies are sometimes a bit too long for her to make it all the way through, but I still think its a good experience for her and she loves to go.

Wall-E is still playing in town, so maybe we'll be able to convince Cris to take us to the show this week?


Mark and Kyra Herbst said...

Hi Stacy! I like reading your blog. Your movie dates with McKenzie sound like so much fun. I would definitely take her to see Wall-E. We LOVED it! Our neighbors took their 18 month old to see it, and he sat through the whole thing. How is everything else going for you?