Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Venting my Inner Thoughts

I've been thinking to myself a lot the last few weeks, wondering who I am and what my priorities are. I have been feeling a more pressing desire to get more involved in church, somethig that working 12 hours on Sundays does not allow. If church is becoming a higher priority to me, why don't I quit my job? We've done the math, and technically we could probably get by without my income... but am I prepared for that? Can I make the sacrifices that would involve? Am I willing to be on a tight, no frills budget and occassianally live off of Top Raman Noodles? Ick. Staying at home sounds nice some days, but I love some of the perks work provides, even at just 12 days a month: adult conversation, mental stimulation and something interesting to talk about when I am around people. Plus, being on a super snug budget, I dont think I would get out of the house much, causing severe mental insanity. I like to get out of the house and I like to be able to play some. Does that make me a little selfish? Maybe.

I guess there are other options. I could change shifts. But any other shift would mean day care for McKenzie. Cris and I chose to bring her into the world, and, we feel we should be the ones raising her. Who knows what care she would get out there, even with the most trusted of sitters. Or, I could change jobs. That makes me cry a little. I really, truly like my job. And I make really good money for what I do. I've browsed the want ads, and the really good part time jobs pay half of what I am making now per hour. If I took one of those, would I feel like my time was being used well? Would I get a schedule that worked for us? Argh. I hate this.

Of course, we are still trying to get that job sharing program going. My office loves the idea and my GM whole heartedly supports the idea. Unfortunately its a change that would require corporate input. It's passed regional officers approval, its just been stuck in corporate HR. And its making me nervous... and I guess causing me to think about all of this mess. If it goes through my immediate stress will be releived. Going to church every third week isnt ideal, but, its a start and MUCH better than being inactive for 3 years. Anyway, I will continue to pray and think about work. Thank you for letting me vent a little, I already feel better! In the mean time, if you run across any part time desk jobs in Tooele County that pay $20 an hour with a gold plated schedule, forward them on to me! LOL!


Sharon said...

After spending nearly two years being inactive, we just started going back to church every week. Even though there is added stress in some ways, I wouldn't have it any other way. Not only would it be for you, but McKenzie would LOVE it. (I am a Primary pianist and could just see her sitting on the front row soon enough.)

Anyway, good luck! Don't get too down about it. Heavenly Father wants you to go and He will help you find a way!

Jess and Broadie said...

Tough decision!!! I can definitly see your stress as far as only having one income, thats a tough one, especially this day and age :). But to be home and be able to raise you baby and and baby on board would be a real blessing as well. I personally think a part time job would be a good idea, because they you do get adult interaction, I would go nuts staying home all the time ... I work from home and I am nuts :) and its true McKenzie would love church and it would be good if you guys feel like you need it in your life. Good luck on your decision, let me know how it goes!!

Leeann said...

I had to be "inactive" my first 2 years of being baptized...because of my work schedule. I'm so thankful I can go now...even as crazy and stressful as it is with all the kids!

sarawhat said...

ahhh, tough one. I guess my only word of advice would have to be... when we do what Heavenly Father asks of us, we are blessed. In so many ways. As far as adult interaction goes, being home with my kids has forced me to put myself out there to make friends and it is wonderful! We have some kind of a play group with our kids at least 3 days a week and even get away some nights and leave the kids with their dads to go do girl things. Good luck! :)

Amy said...

If you really, really like working, I'd say part-time is a great idea. I have actually enjoyed(for the most part) working at night when Matt gets home. Now, I'm only doing it 3 days a week. Other than that, I think there's a reason when we get feelings like this. Heavenly Father is sometimes very subtle in suggestions! Because he wants us to make decisions ourselves. GOod luck, whatever you decide!