Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Liver Scare

I thought about writing about this yesterday, but the emotions were a little raw. Now that I've had a day to digest it all, I'll share...

When we were discharged from the hospital, we were told that Allison had bilirubin present in her bloodstream. They said she was in the low risk level and to make an appointment with her pediatrician for a follow up on Monday. Since 50% of kids have bilirubin levels when they are born, I wasn't too concerned. But when we went to her doctors appointment on Monday, I left in tears.

The doctor (whom has been my doctor since I was a kid and has been nothing but wonderful) absolutely freaked me out. The first thing the doctor doctor asked about was her heart. I told him that she had a slight murmur sound when she was born, but before we left the hospital there was no trace of it. He listened, said he couldn't hear one, but that we would need to watch it because murmurs tend to hide and reappear. (My brother had PDA, a problem with his heart valve not closing off after being born, so I was nervous about the murmer anyway.) Then, he looked at the discharge paperwork and said that I would need to get her directly to the local hospital for more lab work and would probably have to take her back every 24 hours for follow up care. He said her bilirubin level on Sunday was a 7.5 and he was fully expecting it to hit above 20 so we should prepare for phototherapy treatments and may want to make arrangements to rent the equipment. That, I could handle. Then he started talking about the major genetic diseases that could be causing the problem and the threat of complete liver failure. I was a little surprised and told him that I didn't get the impression that it was that serious of an issue and he said, "Well, all that matters is that you are taking the first step to getting her healthy now. We'll work hard to make sure she pulls through." EEEK! He continued to tell me that I was lucky that her and I are both O+ blood types, so we could rule out two of the most terminal diseases. He also was upset that she had lost 3 oz since delivery and was concerned she wasn't absorbing food like she should.

I held it together until the minute I hit the car, where I started bawling. I called Cris at work and blubbered some more. I'm sure when I checked in at the hospital I was blotchy faced and frightening. They gave me a special tag to keep on her car seat since the doctor had warned them that would would likely be in and out of the facility throughout the rest of the month and they didnt want us to have to go through admitting each time. I took her to the lab where they squoze blood out of her heel and they sent me on my way. I cried the whole way home and felt so guilty that I had been oblivious to my daughters life hanging in jeopardy.

Just after Cris got home from work, the doctor called with the results. He said her level went up from a 7.5 to a 10.4, but that was well under the normal curve, and dropped her further into the low risk category. He cancelled the Tuesday appointments at his office and the hospital, told us there was no need to worry, but just to be safe they'd recheck her levels on Wednesday. I was so relieved to hear the news, but WHAT THE HECK!? I still don't know why there was a need for all of the drama, but I am so happy to hear that she's okay. The doctor asked me to supplement breast milk with formula as a precaution, and we have her taking 5 minute sunbaths in a sunny window a few times a day. It's just a slight case of jaundice, but every time I hold her I am extra thankful for her and grateful for our health.


Sharon said...

EEEK! How about changing the way your word things, Doc? Thats so scary! I'm glad she is okay though and it sounds like she will be perfectly fine! I think you handled the whole thing just great! Keep us all updated!

Leeann said...

Wow. Drama NOT needed a few days after having a baby. I'm glad everything is looking good and she will be just fine!

sarawhat said...

ummm, your dr sounds a little crazy. Both heart murmurs and jaundice are totally normal! And both hallie and chase lost over a pound after delivery, also normal. I don't know that I care for your doctor. :)