I guess now is the time of year to reflect on life and consider what we can improve. Some call their goals resolutions, but personally I hate that term. Overall I may be resolved to accomplish what I set my mind to do, but I know that I will face weakness and my resolve will sometimes shrivel into a tiny ball of nothingness. I also know I will at times fail. I am the perfectionist sort who when once fails, gives up entirely. I give up on complete diets because I gave into the temptation of a single cookie, for crying out loud! So, this year I am going to try something different. I dont want to use any set numbers or milestones - I want to know I am accomplishing my goals by how I feel. Here are seven things I intend to improve this coming year:
- Be positive - I want to be the optimist in the crowd. Yes, I want to remain realistic. But, I don't want to be the negative voice taking everyone down. I want to be the cheerleader encouraging myself or others to give just a little more.
- Be lighthearted - I want to be more carefree. I inhibit myself by worrying about what others think way too much. I want to learn to let go, have fun and be someone who makes others feel comfortable.
- Be creative - I love working on projects, I just hate cleaning up after them. Or I feel like I don't have enough time. Or... (insert a million other excuses) This year, I want to devote more time to scrapbooking and other outlets that allow me to express myself a little more.
- Be knowledgeable - Whether its reading books, taking a class or two, or just picking up new skills from others, I want to learn more this year!
- Be friendly - I am not an outgoing person by nature. I am shy, reserved and self conscious. This year I want to reach out more to those around me and see what happens.
- Be healthy - I am not going to diet or start an excercise plan - that just doesn't seem to work for very long. But, I am going to eat healthier foods and be more active. I'm not cutting anything out by definition, but I want to be more aware.
- Be an example - I have a little sponge following me around everyday. She soaks in every word I say, every action I do. I want to be careful of the image I project so my daughter has a positive figure to look up to. Who know who else may be watching?
Well, I think thats the basic outline. Like I said, there are no standards to measure up to, so as long as I give it a real try, I can't fail and force myself to give up, right? What goals are you working on this year?
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