Thursday, May 15, 2008

One more thing...

We moved the ultrasound to June 3rd. Our main insurance kicks in on the first. And even though the billing shouldn't come through until the time the baby is delivered, Cris pointed out that 2 weeks may not be worth the risk of paying a $1400 medical bill just for the fun of it. (Can you believe ultrasounds are really that much money? I didn't, until Cris showed me the statement from McKenzies.) I hate it when he is right. I am impatient and want to know NOW! lol I also want a peak at this little baby to ease my mind with the latest happenings going on. But, our doctor assures us everything is fine with the little one and we shouldn't worry. Yeah right.


Leeann said...

That's my daughter's 5th birthday. Maybe I should change my vote to a girl??? LOL