Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Feeling Thankful!

Yesterday was Allisons cardiology appointment at Primary Childrens. I had been dreading going since they had warned me that she'd need to be sedated for an echocardiogram. But, when we got there, they hooked her up to the EKG and the results were good enough they didn't need to go through with the echo! The doctor listened to her heart and said that there is still narrowing of the pulmonary valve, but its very mild. And the big surprise.... they don't need to see her until she's two years old! After that, they'll do an echo at 3 years old, and follow ups every three years from then on! Last visit they had told me that we'd need to be seen every 4 months for the rest of her life, so was I shocked! I had planned on being at the hospital for four hours, but it was only 20 minutes! I'm feeling very relieved... and very thankful!