Thursday, April 23, 2009

Smell my miracles!

We've been enjoying a lot of outdoor time this week while the weather has been so nice.

On Tuesday we went to a farm to pick fresh asparagus and to a nursery to pick up some tomato and pepper plants. And yesterday we mucked out the flower beds, mowed the lawn, fixed a broken vent on the camp trailer, and (as much as I hate to admit it) finally took down the Christmas lights from our roof. The girls have absolutely enjoyed the fresh air and are loving the freedom spring has provided them.

Yesterday, McKenzie also helped me plant some dahlias and cana lillies for my mom. We had one of my all time favorite conversations:

McKenzie: I like to plant flowers!
Me: Me too. It's nice to get outside, isn't it?
McKenzie: Yeah. I like the sun. (pause) We're planting miracles, huh mom?
Me: (laughing) MIRACLES?
McKenzie: Yeah, I like to plant miracles. Then we can watch them grow! Just like Ruby!
Me: Ruby? From your tv show?
McKenzie: Yeah!
Me: Oh, sweetheart, Ruby planted marigolds! That's a type of flower.
McKenzie: Yeah, we're planting miracles, too.

I don't normally care for marigolds (too smelly!) but, needless to say, I don't think I can resist planting some this year!


Lacey Sue said...

How precious!!! I love kids' view of things!!!

Mindy said...

So cute! I love the little things they say. so sweet.

MalMoore said...

That is way way cute! That little one just cracks me up! Give her a big squeeze for me. Tell her I love her. I shall see you guys tomorrow tho! thats okay still do it for me?? :D